
Friday, August 10, 1973

Jaworski: A Star is Reborn (Sports World, 1973)

Sports World Magazine

August 11-17, 1973

Tessa M. Jazmines

It’s your move. Now that the Toyota Comets have bagged the 1973 MICAA title and there’s nothing left to do but sit back and analyze (or if you want, gnash your teeth in sorrow or click your heels in glee) … it’s your move to comment on how the Comets did it.


Specifically, let’s concentrate on Bobby Jaworski – by far the most talked about – if not the most controversial – Comet. Did he play a key role in the Toyota drive for the title? Was his comeback successful?


As usual, snoopy Sports World didn’t stand still. Like a neighborhood wag, it travelled from door to door (at least a few) to ask some basketball crazy folks what they thought about the Big J’s performance. Did it rate a smile from Miss Universe? Or a cruel sock from George Foreman?


Ten people all in all were asked for their two cents’ worth. Four were basketball players. The rest were fans.


“He’s one of Toyota’s main weapons,” said a long and lean forward / guard from one of the MICAA’s top teams. His hustling, rebounding and shooting were key factors in their success. Besides, their coach displayed no over confidence. He always used the best players.”


“I don’t like him. Ma-ere siya sa hardcourt,” a female fan wailed. “But yeah, he was very instrumental in winning the championship. He knows how to play good, physical basketball.”


AN out-of-town priest who digs basketball and plays it too had this to say, “I agree wholeheartedly that the Big J carried Toyota to success.” And the reason for this, he says, “is because Bobby J makes the all-important clutch hits. Lalo na kung yung mga bago ang kalaban niya, he can handle them well. He uses his body to good advantage.” Father what’s-his-name continued, “Only a strong man can stop Jaworski.”


There were negative impressions, though. “Most of the time, nakakasira siya. He’s an individual player,” said a glamourous femal fan.


“Of course, he’s one of the key men,” said another. “And definitely, he’s a big contribution. But sometimes, he becomes the goat. Bigla na lang maraming errors.”



A basketball star as slim as a reed was also quite skeptical about Jaworski’s performance. “He’s quite instrumental in bagging the championship,” he says, ‘but he was also the one who – you know – made the team lose during the second game. He can help the team, no doubt, but he has a tendency to be individualistic. “Yun ang ikinatatalo ng team.”


“He starts rallies, fires up the whole team,” was the opinion of a cute chick. “He definitely made Toyota win. Verona would put him in at critical moments and he would trouble shoot He can do it because he has the speed and the bulk. Kayang-kaya.”


Sports World asked two other players if they thought Bobby Jaworski propelled the Comets to victory. “Hindi naman masyado,” said a dusky hero. “If you ask me all of them played well – especially Ed Camus. Biro mo yun apat niyang hook shots e pumapasok.”


The other – a good-looking guard – concurred. “It’s not really Jaworski who played a key role on championship night. It was Camus.” And he proceeded with an elaborate analysis.


“Camus delivered the goods in the first half. He shot, rebounded and did his job as center. Jaworski then was already handicapped by two fouls so Camus took over. With Camus in, hindi na nahirapan si Reynoso…and Camus clicked.”


“Not one man can claim credit for that Toyota win. There were many factors involved. For one thing, the players played well. Coach Verona formed the team well. A very important factor is Dante Silverio. He was very much concerned about his team – financially, morally, socially. He’s an athlete too and knows how to treat fellow athletes…kaya ka-vibes tuloy niya yung players.”


Almost everybody thought, however, that Bobby Jaworski made a successful comeback. “He’s definitely one of thebest players we have,” said the cute chick.


To some, however, Bobby Jaworski didn’t change at all. “He’s still the same,” said the reedy player. “Bobby Jaworski is the same person,” said the forward / guard. “He’s rugged – and he added quickly – but not dirty.”


And that’s how the cookie crumbled when an assorted group of fans and idols were asked about Bobby Jaworski’s campaign in MICAA ’73. The consensus seems to be that Bobby is good and should be an important ingredient to any Toyota game if the Comets have anyi intentions of winning.


Bobby Jaworski alone, however, cannot spell victory. Like they say in the rules, teamwork is the sure-fire way to success.


Bobby Jaworski, nevertheless, makes very good conversation piece for people – whether for him or against him. And one thing’s sure – feelings felt for the guy are intense both ways, never bland.


Bobby Jaworski, after all, is not just any basketball player. As the cute chick – who by the way is no Toyota fan – says of him: “He’s more than a basketball player. He’s a star.”

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